Our Services

Structural Engineering Division

This division deals in the design and detailing of steel, concrete and timber structures together with foundation design for buildings, bridge and water retaining structures.
The firm carries out geological investigations to determine ground conditions before deciding on viable structural systems.
The firm then carries out preliminary structural analysis of the chosen system.
This enables the positioning of structural elements which are then presented in a general layout. Detailed design for the substructures and super structures based on vigorous analysis follows before working drawings, quantities and specifications are incorporated into Bills of Quantities.

These are employed for tender action followed by construction supervision



Site reconnaissance, surveys and cost estimates are carried out for roadworks. Geometric designs are then undertaken based on the proposed usage and the topography. The pavement is designed taking into account the ground conditions and locally available materials while road furniture is specified. Surface water collection and discharge to drainage systems are elaborated while detailed drawings and specifications are compiled into contract documents.

Drainage Systems

For foul water drainages, the firm determines the quantity and quality of the waste water to be drained and works out the treatment and disposal methods for the effluent depending on the site conditions and the chosen disposal mechanisms.

For storm water drainage, the firm collects storm water data and undertakes the design of storm water drainage resulting from run off emanating from site and also off site. The quantities of run off and the drainage structures are carefully determined including protection works against any scouring. Working drawings and specifications are produced and construction supervision undertaken.

Water a supply division

Under this section the firm carries out studies on hydro-geological reports and investigates ground water conditions. The firm then locates the nearest water sources, determines the quantity and quality of water available and decides on methods of extraction and treatment if necessary. The firm also determines the water demand and storage structures, location of the same and requisite capacities. It then proceeds to work out the general distribution followed by detailed working drawings and specifications for construction contracts.

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